3 December 2024

In these last days I focused my free time to meteors radar by French GRAVES VHF Radar transmitter. The new page is here: Meteors Radar.

On this page you can find a 3 minutes auto-refresh picture almost real time. Just under a statistics image of received meteors signals.

At the moment the system is composed by a desktop PC with a simple RTL-USB SDR receiver and a LPDA V-UHF antenna.

The system is from august 2018 located at APA-lan observatory in Latina (@41.4271884,12.8849969).

apaMore hardware and software detail of the project on page: www.ik0vve.net/?p=1541

What the page shows?

I must for first thanks mister Simon Dawes that shared the original Conditional Action for SpectrumLab that I modified for my purposes.

At the top of the page we can see the 6 minutes real time grabber image. The center of the image is at about 143.050 MHz: the GRAVES transmitter frequency.
For any positive sample you can read some data just after the meteor echoes:
Date&Time, Signal strength, Noise, Frequency, Time Length, S/N ratio.

Just under there is an image of RMOB Lab (Radio Meteor Observatory’s On Line) where the system sends data for colorgramme compilation.

At the bottom a 6 hours plot shows a pair of parameters analized in the time domain: the Signal Strength of the echoes and the Time Length of the same echoes. It’s so possible to see at a glance not only the quantity of events but also the strength of them.
Strength is in dB (absolute and not relative to noise floor), Time is a number derived from Conditional Action cycles, so 25 is about 6 seconds. Only longer events than 6 seconds are saved into the images gallery.

Updated on June 19th 2019